From Talent Acquisition to
Talent Advisory

A new approach to recruitment.

What is Talent Advisory?

Talent Advisory is a new approach to recruitment that focuses on providing knowledge services to enhance how an organisation gets work done. This includes a multi-channel approach, encompassing internal mobility, external recruitment, borrowing or loaning talent, and automation.

Talent Advisory is gaining popularity due to skills shortages, organisations wishing to retain staff, and importantly the career path it provides for recruiters.

Differences between Talent Acquisition and Talent Advisory


  • Typically focuses on current position needs.
  • Tries to fill position as quickly as possible.
  • Aims for repeatable, quality outcomes
  • Is normally reactive.
  • Spends 90 percent of time on external market.


  • Tries to meet hiring brief as closely as possible.
  • Responsible for identifying new channels to approach candidates.
  • Usually reactive.
  • Typically working 90 percent on external market.

Talent Advisor

  • Partners with the business using talent insights. 
  • Provides advice and helps business make optimal talent decisions.
  • Typically focuses on future and current skills.
  • Is proactive and spends equal amounts of time on internal and external markets. 

From Talent Acquisition to Advisory

We spoke with over 50 Talent Acquisition Leaders and asked, “who cares about Talent Advisory?”

Their answers have been summarised and combined with research we have conducted while assessing recruitment teams undergoing the transformation to Talent Advisory currently.

Read on to find out more about what this means to talent acquisition, and what it takes to get there.

Any transformation requires justification. If we examine this question from the voice of the customer, we get some interesting insights:

C-Suite executives

Looking to reduce risk by ensuring the business have the talent at reasonable costs to achieve business objectives. Talent Advisory focus is purely on this objective with a significant lens on internal mobility. It has been proven that Internal Mobility does tend to cost less than hiring the equivalent external talent.

The business

Talent Advisory leads to mutual respect by demonstrating a knowledge of the internal and external market for talent, who does not want to be seen as an expert?  Importantly if external recruitment is reduced the team can add other value and hence creates some sustainability.

Internal staff and external candidates

If an organisation has a focus on internal mobility and on automating repetitive work this tends to lead to lead to higher engagement and reduced turnover which reduces the cost external recruitment. This also significantly helps the internal and external employer brand and can benefit DE&I.

Talent Acquisition team

Talent Advisory teaches new skills and tends to enable business partnering, which is much more fulfilling than simply undertaking external recruitment.  For the Talent Acquisition Leader this person has the opportunity to brief the C-Suite on the internal and external market for talent and sustain the function.

Assess your team's readiness for Talent Advisory

TCS Insights provides bias free assessments of recruitment teams across the Traits, Competencies, and Skills that drive business success.