Evaluation of Current Business Processes and Implementation of Automated Monitoring Tools

Key Benefits

  • Comprehensive understanding of existing business processes
  • Real-time monitoring of process efficiency
  • Identification of inefficiencies and areas for improvement
  • Enhanced overall business performance and productivity
  • Data-driven decision-making enabled by automated tools

Stakeholders and Responsibilities

  • Project Sponsor: Ensure project alignment with business goals and secure necessary funding.
  • Project Manager: Oversee project execution, manage timelines, and coordinate between stakeholders.
  • External Consultant: Conduct comprehensive review of business processes and recommend automated tools.
  • IT Department: Implement and integrate automated monitoring tools.
  • Department Heads: Provide input on current processes and facilitate access to necessary information.
  • Employees: Participate in interviews and provide feedback on current processes.
Project InitiationDefine project scope, objectives, and deliverablesProject ManagerProject SponsorDepartment HeadsEmployees1 week
Consultant SelectionIdentify and commission an external consultantProject ManagerProject SponsorProcurementDepartment Heads2 weeks
Planning and SchedulingDevelop detailed project plan and scheduleProject ManagerProject SponsorExternal ConsultantDepartment Heads1 week
Data CollectionGather existing process documentation and relevant dataExternal ConsultantProject ManagerDepartment HeadsEmployees2 weeks
Process ReviewConduct interviews, surveys, and workshops to understand current processesExternal ConsultantProject ManagerDepartment HeadsEmployees3 weeks
Analysis and EvaluationAnalyse collected data to identify inefficiencies and improvement areasExternal ConsultantProject ManagerDepartment HeadsEmployees3 weeks
Tool IdentificationRecommend automated tools for real-time process monitoringExternal ConsultantProject ManagerIT DepartmentDepartment Heads2 weeks
Tool ProcurementAcquire the recommended automated monitoring toolsProcurementProject SponsorIT DepartmentDepartment Heads2 weeks
Tool Implementation PlanningDevelop a plan for the implementation of automated toolsIT DepartmentProject ManagerExternal ConsultantDepartment Heads1 week
Tool Integration and SetupIntegrate and set up automated tools within the current systemsIT DepartmentProject ManagerExternal ConsultantDepartment Heads3 weeks
Staff TrainingTrain staff on the use of new automated monitoring toolsIT DepartmentProject ManagerExternal ConsultantEmployees1 week
Monitoring and AdjustmentMonitor tool performance and make necessary adjustmentsIT DepartmentProject ManagerExternal ConsultantDepartment HeadsOngoing
ReportingPrepare a comprehensive report with findings and recommendationsExternal ConsultantProject ManagerDepartment HeadsEmployees2 weeks
Presentation and FeedbackPresent findings to stakeholders and gather feedbackExternal ConsultantProject ManagerDepartment HeadsEmployees1 week
Final Report DeliverySubmit the final report incorporating feedbackExternal ConsultantProject ManagerProject SponsorDepartment Heads1 week
Action Plan DevelopmentDevelop an action plan based on recommendationsProject ManagerProject SponsorExternal ConsultantDepartment Heads2 weeks
Implementation Kick-offInitiate the implementation of approved recommendationsProject ManagerProject SponsorExternal ConsultantEmployeesOngoing

Expected Timeframe

  • The entire process from evaluation to the integration of automated tools is expected to take approximately 22 weeks, with ongoing monitoring and adjustments thereafter.