Designing a career development framework

If you are looking to develop a well-structured, effective career development framework there are a number of factors you need to consider.

The table below covers our suggested approach which can be tailored to your individual needs.


Phase/Tasks Responsibility Timeframe Dependencies RACI What Why How
Phase 1: Research and Needs Analysis
Conduct employee survey HR Team Week 1 None R: HR, A: HR Manager, C: All Employees, I: Management Online survey targeting all employees. Understand employee needs for career development. Utilise survey software; distribute via company email.
Analyse current policies HR Team Week 2 None R: HR, A: HR Manager, C: Management, I: Legal In-depth analysis of existing policies. Identify gaps and areas for improvement. HR team to review policy documents and consult with line managers.
Market benchmarking External Consultant Week 3 None R: Consultant, A: HR Manager, C: HR, I: Management Research career frameworks in similar organisations. Ensure competitive positioning and identify best practices. External consultant to conduct interviews and collect data.
Phase 2: Framework Design
Draft preliminary framework HR Team Week 4 Phase 1 complete R: HR, A: HR Manager, C: Management, I: Legal Initial draft of career development framework. Set up structure for stakeholder review. HR team to create draft based on research and needs analysis.
Stakeholder review Management Team Week 5 Preliminary framework R: Management, A: CEO, C: HR, I: All Departments Review session with senior management. Get feedback and endorsement. Scheduled meetings to discuss the draft framework.
Finalize framework HR Team Week 6 Stakeholder feedback R: HR, A: HR Manager, C: Management, I: Legal Finalized career development framework. Proceed to implementation phase. HR team to incorporate stakeholder feedback.
Phase 3: Implementation
Develop communication plan HR Team Week 7 Phase 2 complete R: HR, A: HR Manager, C: Management, I: All Departments Detailed communication plan. Ensure consistent and effective messaging. HR team to draft emails, presentations, and plan meetings.
Train managers HR Team Week 8 Communication plan R: HR, A: HR Manager, C: Management, I: All Managers Training sessions for line managers. Equip managers to facilitate career development. HR team to conduct workshops or webinars.
Roll out to employees HR Team Week 9 Manager training R: HR, A: HR Manager, C: Management, I: All Employees Official launch of the framework. Enable employees to plan their career paths. Announce through company-wide email and intranet.
Phase 4: Review and Feedback
Conduct feedback sessions HR Team Week 10 Phase 3 complete R: HR, A: HR Manager, C: All Employees, I: Management One-on-one or group feedback sessions. Gauge initial impact and make adjustments. HR team to schedule and conduct interviews or focus groups.
Analyse feedback HR Team Week 11 Feedback sessions R: HR, A: HR Manager, C: Management, I: Legal Compilation and analysis of feedback. Understand the effectiveness of the framework. HR team to use data analytics tools.
Make necessary adjustments HR Team Week 12 Feedback analysis R: HR, A: HR Manager, C: Management, I: All Employees Refinements and updates to the framework. Continuously improve its effectiveness. HR team to implement changes based on feedback.
Phase 5: Ongoing Monitoring
Quarterly reviews HR Team Quarterly Phase 4 complete R: HR, A: HR Manager, C: Management, I: All Departments Regular review meetings. Keep the framework up-to-date. HR team to set up quarterly meetings with stakeholders.