Understanding your business

Understanding your recruitment needs

The following questionnaire is designed to assist in understanding the needs of your recruitment team. The questions are not mandatory; please do not share anything you do not feel comfortable with. All questions refer to your current state, rather than your future state.

We hire the following types of people:
We have a dedicated team to hire full-time employees
We are able to extract useful data about hiring full-time employees
We have effective systems to hire full-time employees
We have a dedicated team to hire part-time employees
We are able to extract useful data about hiring part-time employees
We have effective systems to hire part-time employees
We have a dedicated team to hire casual/freelance employees
We are able to extract useful data about hiring casual/freelance employees
We have effective systems to hire casual/freelance employees
We have a dedicated team to hire contingent workers
We are able to extract useful data about contingent workers
We have effective systems to hire contingent workers
We have a dedicated team to hire graduate employees
We are able to extract useful data about hiring graduate employees
We have effective systems to hire graduate employees
We have a dedicated team to hire internal employees
We are able to extract useful data about hiring internal employees
We have effective systems to hire internal employees


We need to hire people in:

Type of hires

We need to hire the following types of roles:

Where 1 is basic responses and 10 is a white glove service, what level of experience are you looking to provide? Bear in mind that the higher the experience, the more expensive the solution is to maintain.


Source of hire – if you’re not sure, leave the question blank

Current team

Would you prefer your recruiters to be in-house, external, a blend, or don’t know yet?

Process & Platform

We have well developed and effective processes in place
We have well developed and effective position descriptions
We have well developed and effective internal development paths
We understand the skills that are required for success within each role

Recruitment Persona

The following questions will help identify the Traits, Competencies, and Skills that make recruiters successful within your organisation.

For each of the following questions, to what extent does your organisation value staff who demonstrate the following characteristics?

Curious about advances and insights in the field …
Resilient during stressful times …
Able to reach suitable decisions, even when the choices are ambiguous, uncertain, or contradictory …
Creative, novel, and useful solutions to problems …
Persistent, determined, and enthusiastic, despite obstacles and challenges …
Flexible enough to change plans and approaches when necessary …
Inclined to plan tasks and manage risks carefully …
Able to complete tasks promptly, efficiently, and economically …
Able and willing to negotiate effectively …
Empathic to the feelings and perspectives of stakeholders
Perceptive and astute in their judgments about people …
Patient enough to withstand delays and frustrations …
Cooperative and collaborative with team members and other stakeholders …
Persuasive and convincing …
Able to develop plans that benefit the future …
Able to analyse and use data and metrics effectively …
Able to extract and use knowledge about the job market effectively …
Motivated and able to achieve ambitious targets …
Receptive to diverse cultures, demographics, and perspectives …
Understanding and accommodating of the needs and preferences of customers …
Able to inspire staff to achieve workplace goals …
Able to develop trusting, extensive, and suitable networks …
Able to ask incisive and relevant questions …
Able to design an exemplary process to select the best candidates …
Ethical, fair, considered, and unbiased …
Inclined to treat candidates with care, respect, and dignity …
Able to conduct interviews effectively …
Able to respond firmly, but also flexibly, to objections or criticisms …
Able to promote opportunities, such as job vacancies, to the relevant channels …